Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Celeste Body Bleach


Celeste Organic Body Bleach150PhP / 400mL tub

I bought 2 400mL tubs of Celeste Body Bleach from a page on facebook through online transaction. After getting the products through meet-up, I immediately tried the organic body bleach on my arms, elbows and knees.

Applying the body bleach is just like applying soap on the skin, also the smell is similar to a soap. While waiting for 1 hour to wash the bleach, I felt skin tightening and sometime it feels a bit itchy, but those are tolerable. After 1 hour, I washed my skin with water and C.Y Gabriel soap, which I bought from the supermarket.

I was able to use one tub of the body bleach for almost a week on daily basis. After the 1st tub, I saw visible results on my skin. The dark spots fade and my complexion lighten for about 1 shade.

Products I used:

  • Celeste Organic body bleach
  • C.Y. Gabriel Kojic soap with Glutathione

What I like about the featured product:
  • Fast effect (less than 1 week)
  • Easy to remove
  • Not that stingy, though it may be for other people specially those with sensitive type of skin
  • Cheap compared to other bleaching products
What I don't like about the featured product:
  • The smell of the product (It smells like Ivory soap)
Overall, I would give this product a  4.5 out of 5 rating. It is definitely effective and the cost is not that expensive.

Note: This is not a sponsored blog post. Everything written here are my own experience from the product featured. Result or effect of the product is based on person using it.

Credits: To the owner of the C.Y Gabriel Kojic soap with Glutathione pic.

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